
BJWOnline :: Bookmarks


All of my programs, unless otherwise noted, fall under the GNU General Public License. This means you can redistribute any or all of my programs, as long as they keep their copyright status, and please keep my name in them, as the author. A copy of the licenses is included with all the downloads.

Advance Search Tools

This page allows you to do a bunch of specialized searches without having to remember special syntax. Fill in the boxes for the search you want to do then click "Search". Click here to go to Advance Search Tools.

Card class (Java)

This is a class written in Java. It is used to generate and draw a card from a deck at from a deck at random. Download.

Copying Yahoo Music Videos to an iPod Video for Free (PDF)

This tutorial will walk you through step by step a method to copy music videos from Yahoo Music to your computer and then how to convert that video into a format that is readable by an Apple iPod Video. You can view the tutorial download it in PDF: Local Copy.

CPPCallAPhone (C++)

This program is a frontend written in C++ to the uses the Windows version of WGet to access the CDYNE service to call a phone number entered and say the text entered.

CPPCallAPhone falls under the GNU General Public License.
Copyright (C) 2006 Blake J. Wischer
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GPL.

This program requires a working version of the Windows version of WGet in the same directory as this program.

## Files Included:
CPPCallAPhone.cpp : C++ source file.
CPPCallAPhone.exe : The program itself.
license.txt : Copy of The GNU General Public License.
readme.txt : Pretty much a text copy of this page.

## Files Required:
WGet : This program was written to use the v1.10.2 STABLE VERSION from
Just unzip WGet and put it in the same directory as CPPCallAPhone and you are ready to roll.

Download Here:
Version 1.0: (Mirror)
Version 1.1: (Mirror)

20060915 — v1.1 — Added HTTP Proxy Support.

Full Temperature Conversion (C++)

Written in C++, Full Temperature Conversion is a temperature conversion program that can convert Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature units. Download.

Google Phone Book Look Up

Update: This project has been merged with Advance Search Tools. Site that lets you do a special Google search that is actually a phone number look up search for either residential and business numbers. Just enter the name (last name if person) and the state. By including first name and city it will narrow down the results of the search.

JThymeChat (Java)

Project Completed

The project was completed but I feel it is not ready to be released and probably will never be released. Sorry if anybody really wanted to see it. Email me and I can send you what I have on it if you want to work on it some more.

Project Proposal (Approved)

Name: Blake J. Wischer
Date: Feb. 20, 2006
Title: JThymeChat
Brief Introduction: JThymeChat will be a chatroom/instant message program which will include a server and client. The server will be customizable to allow the administrator to set the connection methods, welcome message, passwords, and number of clients. And admin interface will allow for the kicking and banning of users based on IPs. The client will connect to a server with an IP and port number and will be able to chat with other users connected to that server.
Brief Description of Architecture: The server will allow connections on a specific port (set by administrator) and listen for connections, when a connection is requested by the client (based on the IP and port number entered by the client at startup), a socket will be opened and all messages will flow from client to server and to the other clients connected, with the server acting as a message exchange sending all messages to all clients.
Major Classes: ChatTextClient (a text based client), ChatGUIClient (Client using the SWING GUI), ChatServer (The server program), ChatProtocol (the backbone of the project that will control the socket connections).
Input/Output: Input will be taken from the keyboard (and mouse in GUI client), and the option for configurations to be read in from a config file for the server. Output will be plain text in the clients window, and the options for the server to log the chat will write the logs to a text file. All of the data will transfer via sockets over most likely a TCP connection.
Grade I am working towards: I am working towards an A grade, I feel that I would worth the effort this program will take, it requires me to read into socket layer programming and how a socket works, then I have to implement the system.

Linux Backup Shell Script (Linux Shell Script)

This is a shell script written to backup a basic setup of a linux server, has been tested on Debian systems but should work with other linux based systems. It Tar then GZips the selected directories naming the backups based on the date. Download.

Linux MySQL Dump Shell Script (Linux Shell Script)

This is a shell script written to do a MySQL dump of all databases on a server to a single SQL file then GZipping that file naming it with the date. It has been tested on Debian systems but should work with other linux based systems. Download.

Pair Of Dice class (Java)

This is a class written in Java. It simulates the rolling of 2 dice, can check for Snake Eyes, both being 1s, and Box Cars, both being 6s, and such. Download.

P Call A Phone Basic (Perl)

This program uses the CDYNE service to call the phone number entered and say the text entered. Download.

P Temperature Conversion (Perl)

A port of Temperature Conversion done in Perl, this program that can convert Fahrenheit and Celsius, and both to Kelvin temperature units. Download.

Temperature Conversion (C++)

Written in C++, Temperature Conversion is a temperature conversion program that can convert Fahrenheit and Celsius, and both to Kelvin temperature units. Download.

Thymetext Editor (C++)

Written in C++ this program is command based text editor meant to be a small text editor that can fit on a floppy disk and be cross platform capable, working on Unix, Linux, Mac, and Windows based computers.
Warning: This program can not read files, if you try to read a file with it it will overwrite the file. Download Anyways.


(C) 2009 BJWOnline. All Rights Reserved.
Design by Blake J. Wischer.